The Effect of Nurses Work Motivation, Career Development, and Occupational Stress on Organizational Commitment at Hospital


  • M. Wildan Syafiqul Anam Cardiovascular Center
  • Devanda Faiqh Albyn Holding PT Perkebunan Nusantara
  • Rina Mutiara Universitas Esa Unggul
  • Fresley Hutapea Universitas Esa Unggul



Work Motivation, Career Development, Occupational Stress, Organizational Commitment


Background: Organizational commitment is an employees' attachment to the company, employees feel having a bond to the company.

Aims: Employees who commit to the organization will contribute to helping organization in achieving company goals. This study aimed to analyze the effect of nurses' work motivation, career development, and job stress on organizational commitment at X Hospital. The Independent Variable was nurses' work motivation, career development, and job stress. The Dependent Variable was organizational commitment.

Methods: This research was a quantitative research and instrument used a questionnaire with a 5-level measurement.

Results: Hypothesis testing using the F test with SPSS 2.1. It was obtained the independent variable was 0.000.

Conclusion: Finally, your abstract should close with a statement of overall results in a nutshell as well as the research’s implications and contributions to its field. It should convince readers that the research is interesting, valuable, and worth investigating further. The abstract should consist of approximately 200 words


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Author Biography

M. Wildan Syafiqul Anam, Cardiovascular Center

NS. M. Wildan Safiqul Anam, S. Kep, MARS
Cardiovascular nurse practitioner and hospital management at the Heartology Cardiovascular Center
Emergency Room Nurse at Premier Bintaro Hospital
Deputy Team Leader. Wisma Atlet Kemayoran Covid-19 Emergency Hospital (Inpatient)
Deputy Head of Training for the Covid-19 Emergency Hospital, Wisma Atlet Kemayoran

muhammad wildan | LinkedIn


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How to Cite

Anam, M. W. S., Albyn, D. F., Mutiara, R., & Hutapea, F. (2024). The Effect of Nurses Work Motivation, Career Development, and Occupational Stress on Organizational Commitment at Hospital. Blambangan Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences (BJNHS), 2(1), 1–17.


