Increasing Community Knowledge in Efforts to Prevent Covid-19 Disease in Rural Areas


  • Trisna Vitaliati Prodi Profesi Ners, Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan, Universitas dr Soebandi



Disease Prevention, Knowledge, Rural Community


COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus. COVID-19 has greatly affected human life, especially in the health sector. It is important that in this very emergency situation, to maintain the health of the people themselves, they must pay attention to their own health. thus, this prevention can be carried out in ways that have been recommended by the government, namely social distancing, washing hands, and using masks when traveling. The development of irresponsible issues can become an important problem in the COVID-19 outbreak control program in rural areas. The lack of knowledge and understanding of the population regarding valid information about the Corona virus agent can have a big social impact. This community service was carried out with training for health cadres in Silo Village, Silo District, attended by 30 cadres. The training material is in the form of Power Point slides, followed by training with simulations of correct recording and reporting regarding the early detection of COVID-19 events in the community. The results of this community service activity showed an increase in public knowledge about efforts to prevent transmission of COVID-19. This activity is effective for increasing village community knowledge in efforts to prevent COVID-19. It is hoped that the community can continue to carry out programs on preventing COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Vitaliati, T. (2023). Increasing Community Knowledge in Efforts to Prevent Covid-19 Disease in Rural Areas. Blambangan Journal of Community Services (BJCS), 1(1), 24–30.




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