Overcoming Stunting Problems The Practice of Making Moringa Oleifera Pudding in Sukokerto Village
stunting, moringa oleifera pudding, todler, weight gainAbstract
Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem that affects child growth and is a serious concern in Indonesia. One way to overcome this problem is by utilising moringa leaves, which are known to be rich in nutrients. The purpose of writing this scientific article is to evaluate moringa pudding as a nutritious supplementary food for weight gain in stunted children. The method used was a pre-experimental method with a single group pre-test and post-test design. A total of 33 children participated in the study, of which 11 children lost weight due to specific factors unrelated to the intervention, while the other 21 children showed weight gain after the intervention. The results showed that the program successfully had a positive impact on weight gain in stunted children. This shows that moringa pudding can be a solution to overcome the problem of stunting in children.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Mahmud Ady Yuwanto, Nafa Latif Vani Purwanto, Anifatus Sholihah, Zainul Hoiri, Dessy Aulia Fitriyani Sa’diyah, Lailatul Lutfiah, Magfirotul Firli, Moh. Rahul A, Holida, Nurul Qomariyah, Rindang Farihah, Adelia Nur Ramadhani, M. Badrus Sholeh, Maulana Likuardhi, Haikal Faqih, Nixon Zefanya Samosir, Moh. Said Mahri
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