Balanced Nutrition Education with A Four-Star Menu Made from Local Food to Prevent Stunting in Children
Stunting remains a significant nutritional issue at both national and regional levels, particularly in Jember Regency. One contributing factor is the provision of low-nutrition complementary feeding (MPASI), often based solely on filling the child's stomach or continuously offering only specific foods the child prefers. In Karangrejo Village, it was found that many mothers lacked knowledge about preparing nutritious MPASI with a balanced menu, which includes the four essential components: carbohydrates, animal protein, vegetable protein, and fiber. To address this issue, a community service program was conducted, involving health education on balanced nutrition through a four-star menu and hands-on simulations of preparing MPASI using local ingredients. The program was attended by 50 mothers with children under five years. As a result, there was a significant improvement in the mothers' understanding of preparing MPASI that meets balanced nutrition standards, reflected in a 30.2-point increase in their knowledge scores. Continuous implementation of such health education across Jember Regency is essential to help reduce stunting rates. Moreover, similar programs should incorporate monitoring mechanisms to evaluate whether the daily provision of MPASI aligns with the principles of balanced nutrition.
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