Establishment of Layperson First Aid Burn Cases with E-Fa Game Technology


  • Rida Darotin Universitas dr.Soebandi
  • Eky Madyaning Nastiti Universitas dr. Soebandi, Jember, Indonesia
  • Feri Ekaprasetia Universitas dr. Soebandi, Jember, Indonesia



burn, efa game, first aid, knowladge


Burns that occur in children are a vital health problem but are not as widely disclosed as compared to adults. Thermal burns most often occur in children, either from fire or hot water. Children are an age group that is vulnerable to injury due to curiosity about things around them. One injury that often occurs in school-aged children is burns. The results of the situation analysis and discussions with partners formulated one problem, namely: lack of information, knowledge and understanding and related to the problem of first aid in groups of students at school, especially in providing first aid for burns. The proposer offers through PKM in first aid for burns using Education First. Aid (E-Fa Game) as promotional media. In this PKM activity, the school as a partner participates in program implementation by providing human resources, namely students and teachers in this activity.


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How to Cite

Darotin, R., Nastiti, E. M., & Ekaprasetia, F. (2023). Establishment of Layperson First Aid Burn Cases with E-Fa Game Technology. Blambangan Journal of Community Services (BJCS), 1(2), 61–69.


