Progressive Muscle Relaxation Education to Reduce Anxiety in Elderly with Hypertension
Elderly, hypertension, Anxiety, Progresive Muscle RelaxationAbstract
Hypertension is one of the diseases that are often suffered by the elderly. Management of anxiety management in the elderly needs to be considered so that the elderly do not fall into psychiatric emergencies, one of which is the provision of progressive muscle relaxation therapy. This community service will be carried out in December 2023 for the elderly using leaflet media containing information about anxiety management and progressive muscle relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety. Health education and demonstrations were conducted to 15 elderly people. The pretest results found 12 elderly (80%) had less knowledge where the elderly did not know the signs of anxiety symptoms and how to reduce anxiety, and 3 elderly (20%) had sufficient knowledge. Post test results found that the elderly have increased knowledge about anxiety. 13 elderly (86.6%) have good knowledge and 2 elderly (13.4%) have less knowledge. The knowledge of the elderly has increased and progressive muscle relaxation can reduce anxiety felt by the elderly and can be implemented every day.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Amin Aji Budiman, Dyah Vierdiana, Firman Prastiwi, Ririn Afrian Sulistyawati, Nikma Alfi Rosida
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