Implementation Of Pre-Marital Check Up in Catin Couples As A Healthy Preconception and Preparation Effort
Implementation, Pre-Marital Check Up, Catin, PreconceptionAbstract
The bride and groom are potential fertile partners who will build relationships in the household and produce offspring by preparing for healthy reproduction. Reproductive health plays an important role in newlywed couples producing offspring, therefore one way that can be done to mature prospective brides is through premarital counseling. Reproductive readiness is obtained through premarital counseling and preconception screening. As for its activities through preconception health care, it is a treatment that refers to biomedical, behavioral and social prevention interventions that can increase the chances of having a healthy baby. The purpose of this activity is to provide information, education and pre-marital check-up screening. The implementation of pre-marital skin check-up activities for catins will be carried out in the working area of the Kaliwates Health Center, Jember Regency. The activities carried out are providing reproductive health education and catin health checks. The output of this activity is the publication of journals and documentation of implementation results which are published via social media. After providing education, the bride-to-be understands more about the importance of paying attention to and maintaining reproductive health. From the results of the premarital check up on the bride and groom, it was found that several participants had anemia and normal blood sugar levels.
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