Improving The Quality of Z Generation Regarding Knowledge of Reproductive Health for Junior High School Girls
Z Generation, Knowledge, Reproductive Health, Teenager girlAbstract
Teenagers are now known as Z- Generation or the net-generation. The generation of teenagers who will continue the current millennial generation is expected to create a new era in technological development. It is feared that the strong influence of internet technology will not only change mindsets but can also turn something that is taboo into a legal tradition among the people. Such as the development of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender groups or what is known as LGBT. The purpose of the service is to improve the quality of generation Z regarding reproductive health knowledge. The activity was carried out in a group of 86 young women. This service activity was carried out by providing educational education and also training on reproductive health. Evaluation of the assessment using questionnaires and observation sheets with the prepost test method. The results of the activity showed an increase in the quality and knowledge of young women from before the activity, the level of knowledge was mostly in the less category, namely 62 students (72%), increasing to a good level of knowledge category to 68 students (79%). Education and training on reproductive health is quite effective in increasing the knowledge of junior high school girls.
Keywords: Z Generation, Knowledge, Reproductive Health, Teenager girl.
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